Answering the question "What is a global author?" is challenging. Is this categorization based on race, culture, ethnicity, birthplace, where the individual currently resides? For this guide's purposes we have chosen to highlight authors and series that contribute to diversity within a majority white North American culture, and this may be via any of the previously listed characteristics.
These full Bible commentaries are not as detailed as a commentary on a single book of the Bible, but they do prove useful when looking to explore and learn from the perspective of global interpreters, commentators, and Bible scholars. As well, they provide an idea of specific authors to look for who may also have single book commentaries. The South Asian Bible Commentary and Africa Bible Commentary, are also available in eBook format on Perlego.
There are two series in particular in our library holdings that include single volume commentaries on various books of the Bible from a global perspective. These include the Asia Bible Commentary series and the Africa Bible Commentary series. The Asia Bible Commentary series has volumes in both our physical and eBook collections (Ebsco and Perlego). Here is an example from each series.
By using resources already highlighted above, you can find authors that offer a global perspective on scripture, and that bring a diversity of thought, context, and worldview to the task. Here are a few authors with works in both our physical and online collections -- David Arthur Desilva, Samuel Ngewa, Soong-Chan Rah, Choon-Leung Seow, and Justo L. González. Although there are certainly others we could list, these are chosen as they have more than one work in our holdings. Find examples of each of their works below. Click on the author's name within the record, to call up a list of their other titles.
Although these resources are not classified as commentaries, they do provide valuable insight into how different cultures and/or people groups may approach the biblical text. As well, you can find commentaries within these resources on particular biblical texts and stories. Using the Table of Content and/or Index proves helpful in identifying and locating these passage within the larger work.