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New Testament Courses: Home

A resource guide for students in New Testament courses.

About this Guide

Taking a New Testament course? This guide is for you! You will find resources, links, tips, and book suggestions to help get you started as you work on your New Testament course assignments. On this home page, you will find general New Testament background information to help you get started. Use the blue tabs above to navigate to more detailed information for specific classes.

If you need any help trying to find that full-text of an obscure, ancient primary source or just don't know where to start, feel free to stop by the library or email us at!

Gospels and Acts

Common English Bible Gospel Parallels
Ancient Texts for New Testament Studies
The New Moody Atlas of the Bible
Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels

New Testament Dewey Numbers

220 Bible

225 New Testament
226 Gospels & Acts
227 Epistles
228 Revelation (Apocalypse)

Using Google?

Although we do not generally recommend Google to find scholarly resources, there are instances where it can be useful. For example, the full-text for Patristic, Medieval, or Reformation biblical interpretations are sometimes only available to us in relatively obscure corners of the internet! But how do you know if you have found a good credible source? The following video by the University of Manitoba Libraries helps. 

New Testament

Bible Project. (2018). Overview: New Testament [Youtube video].

NT courses

Catalogue and Database Searching Tips

How do you make sure that you are using the right terms or techniques to search the catalogue or database to ensure that you find everything you need? Here are a couple of handy tips:

  • Follow subject suggestions (for e-resource searches). When you initially enter a term in the database search bar it will likely show you other suggested search terms. It is sometimes useful to try those suggestions, as they indicate what others have tried before and perhaps found useful. 
  • Follow the subject trail (both catalogue and e-resource searches). Use this strategy once you find a book in the catalogue that seems useful. Subjects will be listed under a "subjects" or "categories" heading. When you click on these subjects it returns a list of results that also have that subject. 

Online Resources (Open Access) - Databases


When searching the library's e-resources, you can search for eBooks and articles at the same time! Simply click on "Choose Databases" (right above the search bar) and select the relevant databases to include in your search. If you only want to search eBooks or journal articles, you can select and unselect databases as needed. 

Helpful databases for New Testament classes include:

  • eBook Collection (EBSCOhost) 
  • eBook Academic Collection (EBSCOhost)
  • eBook Religion Collection (EBSCOhost)
  • Atla Religion Database with AtlaSerials (articles)

You may also find it helpful to use the "Limit to" options (beside your search results) to ensure that you only see full-text and/or peer-reviewed material!

Library eBooks and Books

Online Resources (Open Access) - eBooks